The International Summer School of Fudan University for Graduate Students (ISSF) of Philosophy 2024 - Classical Philosophy



Fudan International Summer School of Philosophy 2024

“Classical Philosophy”


School of Philosophy, Fudan University



Supported by The Graduate School of Fudan University and hosted by School of Philosophy at Fudan University, Fudan International Summer School of Philosophy 2024 will take place from August 11th to August 20th at Fudan University. This year’s summer school includes teaching and in-depth exchange and discussion on the topic of  “Classical Philosophy”. Classical philosophy has served as the cornerstone for philosophical thought in the West, has exerted a profound impact on subsequent philosophical movements, and continues to define interdisciplinary inquiry in the twenty-first century. Relevant subjects include Plato and Aristotle's political philosophy, Aristotle's natural philosophy and ethics, Plato's political philosophy in comparison to ancient Chinese political philosophy, etc.


Senior undergraduate students, masters and doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and young researchers from both domestic and international institutions interested in or working on related topics are all eligible to apply for the summer school.


活动时间/ Time


August 11th –August 20th, 2024 (Participants arrive on August 10th)




School of Philosophy, Fudan University

No. 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China

授课语言/Languages of Instruction英文、中文/English & Chinese


核心授课师资/ Instructors and Keynote Speakers


Susan Sauvé MEYER is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, where she was chair of the Department of Philosophy from 2008-2015 and chair of Undergraduate Program in Philosophy from 2016-2021. Educated at the University of Toronto (BA 1982) and Cornell University (PhD 1987), she held a joint appointment in Philosophy and the Classics at Harvard University before joining the University of Pennsylvania faculty in 1994. She works on Greek and Roman philosophy, with focus on ethics and politics and additional interests in the natural philosophy of the period (especially Aristotle and the Stoics). She is Editorial Board of the international journal Revue de philosophie ancienne (2022- ), North American co-editor of the international journal Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2015-20). Her books include Aristotle on Moral Responsibility (1993), Ancient Ethics (2008), Plato: Laws Books 1 and 2 (2015), Virtue, Happiness, and Knowledge (2018), Plato’s Statesman: A Philosophical Discussion (2021), and How to Flourish: An Ancient Guide to Living Well (2023).



Wei LIU acquired his PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010), is now professor of philosophy at Renmin University, visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley, Princeton University, University of Munich, University of Patras; his main research focuses on ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato’s and Aristotle’s practical philosophy, and the history of Western ethics and political philosophy; he published Machiavelli and Modernity (2012), Common Good and Private Good: A Study of Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy (2019), edited History of Western Political Philosophy (vol. 1 From Ancient Greece to Reformation). He published some 30 articles on Chinese and English journals and collections, such as Sophia, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Philosophical Studies (哲学研究), Morality and Civilization (道德与文明), etc., and translated more than 10 books such as Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium, Jonathan Lear’s Desire to Understand, MacIntyre’s Dependent Rational Animal, etc.


程炜德国柏林洪堡大学古代哲学方向博士,北京大学哲学系长聘副教授,教育部长江学者奖励计划青年学者。主要研究领域为古希腊哲学,也感兴趣当代心灵哲学、德国近代哲学以及古希腊医学史和古典学术史等。2017年获评德国古代哲学研究协会(GANPH)颁发的维尔纳·耶格尔青年学者奖(Werner Jaeger-Preis)。已在PhronesisJournal of the History of PhilosophyThe Classical QuarterlyJournal of Hellenic StudiesArchiv für Geschichte der Philosophie等国际学术期刊发表论文多篇。

Wei CHENG is an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Peking University, who is also affiliated with the Classics Program at PKU. Before coming to PKU, he received his PhD from the Program in Ancient Philosophy at Humboldt University of Berlin (2015, summa cum laude). He works mainly in ancient Greek philosophy (especially Plato, the Old Academy, Aristotle, and the Aristotelian tradition), though he also has interests in philosophy of mind, moral psychology, history of classical scholarship, ancient medicine, and several historical figures (e.g., Euripides, Hölderlin, and Nietzsche) as well. In 2017, he received the Werner Jaeger Award (for young scholars) by the Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (GANPH). He has published numerous articles in internationally renowned journals such as Phronesis, Journal of the History of Philosophy, The Classical Quarterly, Journal of Hellenic Studies, and Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.


 王纬,美国普林斯顿大学古典学博士,复旦大学哲学学院副教授,全国古希腊罗马哲学专业委员会理事。主要研究领域为古希腊罗马哲学(特别是亚里士多德理论哲学)、形而上学史、古代科学史、西方古典语文学。已在Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy、《哲学研究》《复旦学报(社会科学版)》等国内外学术期刊发表论文多篇。

Wei WANG is an Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy at Fudan University, who is also affiliated with the Classics Program at FDU. Before coming to FDU, he received his PhD in classics from the program in classical philosophy at Princeton University in 2016. He works mainly in Graeco-Roman philosophy, Aristotle’s theoretical philosophy, history of metaphysics. He has published several articles in well-known journals such as Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophical Studies (哲学研究), Fudan Journal (Social Sciences)(《复旦学报(社会科学版)》).

Christopher NOBLE is an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Syracuse University. Before coming to Syracuse, he studied Classics and Ancient Philosophy at Princeton University (PhD 2009), and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the HU Berlin and LMU Munich. His work deals primarily with the development and transformation of Platonic and Aristotelian thought in Late Antiquity. He is particularly interested in the way in which later authors can inform our understanding of problems in Plato and Aristotle, and in the distinctive contributions of Later Platonism to the ancient philosophical tradition. He had published several articles in the international journals such as Phronesis, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy.

Lisa RAPHALS (瑞麗) is Distinguished Professor of Chinese/Comparative Literature at the University of California Riverside, with cooperating appointments in the Departments of Philosophy and Religion. Educated at the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago (PhD 1989), she studies the cultures of early China and Classical Greece, with research and teaching interests across several areas: comparative philosophy, religion, and history of science, with other interests in gender and science fiction studies. She is the author of four books: Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the Classical Traditions of China and Greece (Cornell, 1992), Sharing the Light: Representations of Women and Virtue in Early China (SUNY, 1998), Divination and Prediction in Early China and Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2013), and A Tripartite Self: Body, Mind and Spirit in Early China (Oxford, 2023); and co-editor of Old Society, New Belief: Religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th Centuries (Oxford, 2017), and Skill and Ethics: The Legacy of China, Greece and Rome (Bloomsbury, 2021); and author of many shorter studies. From 2021 to 2023 she served as the president of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy, and she is an affiliate of the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies.

白彤东,复旦大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师,梵蒂冈宗座社会科学院(The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences)院士,上海纽约大学兼职教授。主要研究兴趣包括中国哲学和政治哲学,尤其是先秦政治哲学的当代意义之问题。著有Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case (Princeton University Press)(中文修订版:《探寻理想政体:儒家的差等秩序》,北京大学出版社),China: The Political Philosophy of the Middle Kingdom (Zed Books),《天下:孟子五讲》(广西师大出版社),《旧邦新命:古今中西参照下的古典儒家政治哲学》(北京大学出版社)和《实在的张力:EPR论争中的爱因斯坦、玻尔与泡利》(北京大学出版社)。他现在致力于韩非子政治哲学的比较研究,试图拓展政治哲学的视角,从中西共同关注的良治以及西方对正义与立法的执着,转向治的问题与立法之外的治理问题。他在复旦大学哲学学院开办了以英文授课的、面向外国学生的中国哲学硕士和访问学生项目,意图推动中国哲学的世界地位和培养下一代海外中国哲学的研究人才。

Dr. Tongdong BAI is the Dongfang Chair Professor of Philosophy at Fudan University in China, and a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.  His research interests include Chinese philosophy and political philosophy.  He has two books published in English: China: The Political Philosophy of the Middle Kingdom (Zed Books, 2012), and Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case (Princeton University Press, 2019). He is now working on the philosophy of Han Fei Zi (c. 280-233 BCE), a “Legalist” and a harsh critic of Confucians, as well as a real-life princeling who is often compared with Machiavelli and Hobbes. He is also the director of an English-based MA and visiting program in Chinese philosophy at Fudan University that is intended to promote the studies of Chinese philosophy in the world.


课程初步安排/ Scheduled Courses & Modules

授课时间:2024811-20/From Aug. 11th –Aug. 20th 2024





Courses & Modules



Aug. 14th –Aug. 16th

Plato’s Laws

Susan Sauvé 


Aug. 11th–Aug. 13th


Aristotle on Friendship



Aug. 11th–Aug. 13th


Pleasure, Pain, and HappinessAristotle and His Rivals

Wei CHENG (程炜)

Aug. 14th–Aug. 16th


Aristotle's Philosophy of Nature



Aug. 17th –Aug. 19th

From Plato to Neo-Platonism



Aug. 18th–Aug. 19th

Mind-Body Dualism and the Tripartite Self in Greece and China



Aug. 20th


Political Philosophy in Plato’s Republic and early Confucianism

Tongdong BAI (白彤东)


招生对象 Eligibility




Highly motivated senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and junior faculty members.


招生人数 Admission



Around 100 participants


费用说明 Financial Support




This summer school does not charge any tuition or fees. The School of Philosophy will offer accommodation for 30 students who come from other cities or abroad during the summer school.


申请材料 Application Requirements


1. 本人有效身份证件及学生证正面照片或扫描件

Photo or scanned file of applicant’s ID card/Passport and student ID card of current university


2. 本人简历1份,包含本人基本信息、目前身份及所在高校院系、研究方向、过往学习经历等

Applicant’s CV including research interests, current and previous higher-ed institution, etc.


3. 本人学习成绩单1

Transcripts of higher-education


4. 本人代表性学术论文1

A sample of scholarly paper


5. 1封专家推荐信

A recommendation letter

申请方式 Application



推荐使用chrome浏览器,登录我校通用注册报名平台, 搜索“古典哲学”项目,完成报名。入选结果将以邮件形式通知到相关申请人。有意申请住宿支持的申请人需在615日前完成报名。



International applicants:

Please sign up and log in with the application system of the International Students Office of Fudan University. The link is:

1. Register a new account. The applicant will receive an email of activation. Please use the supported browsers to apply.

2. After the new account is activated, please log in, and input the program code610792. We will follow up by mail with the admitted international students.

Deadline: June 15th, 2024 Beijing time.


另外,申请人在完成申请后,还需将上述申请材料电子版发送至以下邮箱。发送时请按“姓名+所在高校+申请暑期学校”命名。In addition, applicants, after completing the application, also need to send all the materials with electronic form to this email address:, before June 25th, 2024. Please notice that the email title should be edited as “Name+University+Apply for Summer School”.


其他事项 Others


The Graduate School and School of Philosophy of Fudan University will award study certificates for students who fully attend this summer school.

联系方式 Contact

联系人(Contact):于明志老师(Mr. Yu Mingzhi

咨询电话Contact Number86-21-65648470

联系邮箱(Email address):



